SeqAn is the foundation of many modern bioinformatics applications. Some of them are developed by the SeqAn team, mostly at Freie Universität Berlin. These are listed as Official Applications on the bottom. The downloads for most official apps, including some older (not listed) ones, can be found at the central SeqAn package repository.
Through our developer channels we know that many scientific groups and companies are using SeqAn for developing public and internal tools, among them Steven Salzberg’s team, PacBio, the Max-Planck-Institute for molecular Genetics and the Charite university hospital. A selection of these applications is listed as “Third-Party Applications” below.
The permissive open source BSD-license of the library enables you to integrate SeqAn into your applications with proper attribution being the only legal requirement. But, please also cite our most recent SeqAn publication when you use SeqAn in your academic work.
- Knut Reinert,
Temesgen Hailemariam Dadi,
Marcel Ehrhardt,
Hannes Hauswedell,
Svenja Mehringer,
René Rahn,
Jongkyu Kim,
Christopher Pockrandt,
Jörg Winkler,
Enrico Siragusa,
Gianvito Urgese,
David Weese,
“The SeqAn C++ template library for efficient sequence analysis: A resource for programmers”, vol. 261, 2017-11-10.
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